The Student Loans Company insisted many of these loans were not nonetheless probable for repayment.
A mouthpiece added: "We are now in the routine of reviewing accounts of all borrowers who are well known to reside abroad and who are in arrears, with a perspective to arising authorised trial against the who do not reply to association from the SLC."
According to ultimate figures, 29,600 European students are now probable to make repayments after receiving out tyro loans.
Of those, 2,400 have unsuccessful to give the SLC with sum of income and have strictly been "placed in arrears", whilst other 400 have defaulted on their repayments.
Further data is being sought from a few 9,900 students who are "not now repaying", according to figures.
Most outstanding students have possibly paid off loans or lay next earning thresholds indispensable to make repayments.